What is the Best Way to Use Burrata? Top Recipes & Tips

What is the Best Way to Use Burrata?

Burrata, that dreamy, creamy delight straight from the heart of Italy, has captivated cheese lovers worldwide. This article explores the finest ways to savor burrata, from selecting the right type to crafting exquisite dishes that showcase their unique texture and flavor. Join us as we unveil the secrets of burrata, ensuring every bite is heavenly.

 What is Burrata?

Burrata is a luxurious Italian cheese known for its rich, creamy center encased in a delicate mozzarella shell. Originating from Italy’s Apulia region, this cheese blends the soft texture of mozzarella with a creamy mix of cream and cheese curds. It offers a uniquely indulgent flavor that elevates both simple and sophisticated dishes.

 The History and Origin of Burrata

Starting as a smart way to use leftover mozzarella curds, burrata now showcases Italian cheesemaking brilliance. It combines traditional techniques with a luxurious twist, delighting food lovers around the world.

Differences Between Mozzarella and Burrata

Mozzarella and burrata are both beloved Italian cheeses, celebrated around the world for their versatility and delicious flavors. While they share some similarities, there are notable differences that distinguish each cheese, affecting how they are used in culinary dishes.

Origins and Production

Mozzarella is a traditional Southern Italian cheese made from cow’s or water buffalo’s milk. It is famous for its use in pizza and is characterized by a delicate, milky flavor. The production process involves the curdling of milk with rennet, followed by heating and stretching the curds until they achieve a smooth, elastic texture.

Burrata, on the other hand, originates from the Apulia region of Italy. It starts with an outer shell of mozzarella, but what sets it apart is the filling—a creamy mixture of curds and fresh cream known as stracciatella. This filling gives burrata a unique richness and a buttery texture that is less prevalent in traditional mozzarella.

Texture and Flavor

Mozzarella has a firm yet yielding texture when fresh, known for its stringy and stretchy quality when melted. It has a subtle taste that complements a wide range of ingredients without overpowering them.

 How to Prepare and Store Burrata

Ensuring your burrata remains as divine as the day it was crafted requires some know-how in both selection and storage. This section provides essential tips for choosing the finest burrata and keeping it perfectly fresh.

 Selecting the Perfect Burrata

Choosing the right burrata can be as delightful as savoring it. Look for burrata that have a smooth, taut surface and feel heavy for its size, a sign of abundant creamy goodness inside. Additionally, the packaging should have a minimal amount of liquid, indicating that the cheese has retained its moisture and freshness effectively.

Tips for Storing Burrata to Ensure Peak Freshness

To enjoy burrata at its best, proper storage is crucial. Keep burrata in its original liquid in the refrigerator, ideally in a sealed container. This method helps maintain its moisture and delicate texture. For the fullest flavor, let the cheese sit at room temperature before serving. Additionally, it’s crucial to eat burrata within a few days of buying it to fully enjoy its lush, creamy texture, as its freshness significantly enhance

In the next section, we will explore various culinary applications of burrata, from traditional dishes to innovative pairings that will inspire your kitchen adventures.

The Best Ways to Utilize Burrata in Cooking

Burrata, renowned for its soft mozzarella shell and lush creamy core, offers extensive culinary possibilities. This section delves into both classic and innovative ways to incorporate this exquisite cheese into your dishes, from appetizers to desserts. Explore how burrata can transform your cooking with its luxurious textures and deep flavors.

Classic Recipes Featuring Burrata

Burrata excels in traditional dishes, where its smooth texture and delicate taste truly shine.

Burrata with Tomatoes and Basil (Caprese)

Elevate a classic Caprese salad with burrata for a luxurious twist. Arrange fresh, ripe tomatoes and bright basil leaves, and top with a generous helping of burrata. A simple drizzle of olive oil and a pinch of salt beautifully unite the flavors.

Creative Burrata Salads and Starters

Burrata is a splendid addition to innovative salads and appetizers. Pair it with seasonal fruits such as peaches or cherries for a delightful flavor contrast, or mix it into a salad with roasted beets and nuts for a dish rich in texture.

Innovative Burrata Pairings and Dishes

Burrata also stars in main courses and desserts, pushing the boundaries of traditional cheese applications.

Burrata in Main Dishes

Add burrata to main dishes by placing it atop freshly made pasta tossed with olive oil and garlic, or use it as an opulent topping on gourmet pizzas, where it melts slightly under the broiler, adding a creamy, dreamy touch.

Desserts Featuring

For an unexpected twist, incorporate burrata into desserts. Its mild sweetness complements ingredients like honey and berries well. Consider stuffing a hollowed-out pear with burrata and baking it until tender, then drizzling with honey for a rich finish.

The following section will explore the best places to purchase burrata and discuss how its seasonality impacts availability and culinary uses.

Burrata with Tomato and Basil Salad Recipe


  • 2 large ripe tomatoes, sliced into thin rounds
  • 1 ball of fresh burrata cheese
  • A generous handful of fresh basil leaves
  • 2 tablespoons of high-quality extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of aged balsamic vinegar
  • Coarse sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper, to taste
  • Optional: slices of crusty bread, for serving


  1. Arrange the Tomatoes: On a spacious serving platter, artistically layer the tomato slices in a slightly overlapping pattern.
  2. Preparation: Carefully place the burrata at the center of the tomato arrangement. If the burrata is firm, gently tear open the top to let the creamy interior ooze out, enhancing the dish’s visual and textural appeal.
  3. Add Basil: Scatter fresh basil leaves over the tomatoes and burrata. Tear larger leaves to release their aromatic oils and add a burst of flavor.
  4. Dress the Salad: Drizzle olive oil and balsamic vinegar evenly over the ingredients. This not only boosts the flavors but also adds a glossy sheen, making the dish more inviting.
  5. Season: Sprinkle coarse sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper to enhance the natural flavors.
  6. Serve: Present this salad immediately with slices of crusty bread on the side. The bread is ideal for absorbing the flavorful dressing and rich burrata, ensuring no deliciousness is wasted.

This recipe highlights the fresh, vibrant flavors of summer and showcases the luxurious texture of burrata cheese. Its simplicity allows the quality of the ingredients to stand out, providing a truly gourmet culinary experience.

Does Burrata Melt Like Mozzarella?

While both burrata and mozzarella are Italian soft cheeses, they respond differently to heat due to their unique textures and compositions. Mozzarella is famous for its excellent melting properties, making it a popular choice for pizzas, lasagnas, and other baked dishes. It melts into a stretchy, gooey layer that is visually appealing and enhances the flavor of various dishes.

Burrata, though it can melt, does not perform in the kitchen like mozzarella. The outer shell, made of mozzarella, will melt, but the creamy interior composed of stracciatella and cream reacts differently to heat. When melted, burrata loses the contrasting textures that are central to its appeal—the firm outer shell and the rich, soft inside.

Additionally, the cost factor influences the choice between using burrata or mozzarella in cooking. Burrata is generally more expensive than mozzarella due to its artisanal production process and the luxurious experience it provides when enjoyed fresh. Therefore, if you need a cheese that melts well and is more budget-friendly for cooked dishes, mozzarella is the better option.

In conclusion, though burrata can be melted, it is best enjoyed fresh to fully appreciate its distinctive textures. Reserve this exquisite cheese for dishes where its unique qualities can be highlighted, such as in salads, fresh appetizers, or simply served with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt on warm bread.

 Where to Buy the Best Burrata

Finding top-quality can transform your dishes from good to unforgettable. This section offers insights on choosing the best, whether locally sourced or imported.

 Domestic vs. Imported 

Choosing between domestic and imported burrata depends on your preference for authenticity and freshness. Many admire imported burrata from Italy for its traditional flavors and craftsmanship. Yet, several U.S. cheesemakers now produce exceptional burrata that rivals imports, offering fresher options due to shorter transit times.

Understanding Seasonality and Freshness

Burrata’s quality heavily relies on its freshness, making seasonality crucial when buying. Traditionally enjoyed in the summer with fresh produce like tomatoes and basil, modern refrigeration now allows us to enjoy high-quality burrata all year. However, classic pairings still tend to favor warmer months

We will next explore frequently asked questions about burrata, highlighting its health benefits, freshness indicators, and culinary versatility.

Creative Ways to Enjoy Burrata

Burrata’s remarkable flavor shines alongside a variety of summer produce. For a delightful culinary experience, gently tear the outer shell and scatter it over fresh pasta or vibrant salads. To savor its creamy heart, drizzle it with olive oil and a pinch of flaky sea salt, then serve it with ripe tomatoes, crusty grilled bread, or savory roasted vegetables. This method ensures every dish with burrata becomes a celebration of textures and tastes.

Do you eat the outer skin of the burrata?

Consuming the outer “skin” of burrata is essential to fully enjoy this exquisite cheese. The outer layer is just firm mozzarella, which perfectly complements the rich, creamy mixture of shredded cheese and cream inside. For the best experience, it’s  should be enjoyed in its entirety, allowing the contrasting textures and flavors to blend delightfully in each bite.

 Frequently Asked Questions 

Burrata, with its luscious texture and delicate flavors, often raises questions about its health benefits, freshness indicators, and culinary versatility. Here, we’ll address some of the most common inquiries to help you fully appreciate this exquisite cheese.

 What are the health benefits of burrata?

Burrata is not only a delight for the taste buds, but it also offers substantial nutritional benefits. Importantly, it is rich in proteins and calcium, which support muscle function and bone health. Moreover, it provides phosphorus, essential for energy production and cellular repair. However, because it has a high fat and calorie content, it’s crucial to enjoy it in moderation, especially if you’re mindful of your dietary intake.

 How can I tell if my burrata cheese is fresh?

To determine if your burrata is fresh, begin by examining its appearance and aroma. Fresh burrata will have a smooth, shiny exterior and emit a subtle, milky fragrance. Avoid any burrata that has sour or ammonia-like smells, as these are clear signs of spoilage. Also, the brine or liquid comes in should be clear, not cloudy. Always check the expiration date when buying burrata and try to consume it within a few days to enjoy its optimal freshness and flavor.

<strong> Can burrata be used as a substitute for mozzarella in recipes?

Indeed, burrata can often replace mozzarella in recipes to add a luxurious touch. Its creamy texture works exceptionally well in salads, overbaked dishes, or fresh appetizers. However, it’s essential to remember that burrata is softer and more fluid than mozzarella, so it might not be suitable for every recipe that calls for mozzarella, particularly where a firmer texture is desired.

These FAQs aim to enrich your experience, guiding you from selecting the freshest options to effectively incorporating them into your cooking repertoire.



Burrata, with its sublime texture and rich flavor, is a true gem in Italian cuisine, offering endless culinary possibilities. Enjoy it in a classic Caprese salad or as a lavish addition to innovative dishes; either way, it enriches every meal with its creamy delight. As you explore the various ways to use this exceptional cheese, focus on freshness and quality to truly savor its outstanding taste. Dive into the culinary adventure of using burrata and relish the sophisticated flavors it brings to your dishes.


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